Different type of good

I have an interesting thought/dream to share.  

I was in wal-mart today, and I noticed something about the people there: 

They were all beautiful.  

Every Single one of them was beautiful in a different way. 

There were short ones, tall ones, muscular ones, skinny ones, fat ones, pretty ones, and everything in between ones.  

Funny ones, grumpy ones, nice ones, mean ones’, and some that were none at all… 

Good ones and bad ones.. And ones as big as your head…  You get the idea!

But the one thing everyone had in common? They were all beautiful. 

I couldn’t help but notice that most of the people did not walk around with this knowledge evident in their mannerisms. 


My best guess is because we put standards on what is beautiful. 

We have a very specific height, body type, hair colour, skin colour etc etc. 

And while this may have some objectiveness in the sense that we get more aroused by certain types of beauty…Everyone is equally beautiful. Everyone is a different type of good. 

The differences between all of us is what makes humans so interesting. 

I wish everyone would wake up and know that they possess some inherent goodness and beauty. 

I’m thinking about this a lot because as part of my goodness, beauty and love brand; I want to showcase the beauty of everyday ordinary people. I don’t want music videos full of photoshopped greek gods and goddesses doing gymnastics routines. I want everyday ordinary people, doing everyday ordinary things.  

I’m sad that a good majority of people walk around not knowing they possess a unique type of beauty that only applies to them.  

Remember you’re beautiful. And when you feel like you look different or outside of the norm, remind yourself that you’re just a different type of good.

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